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Donate Today Alumni!

We hope you enjoyed the club during your time at university. The club certainly loved having you, and we're working on spreading the word on just how great Warwick Motorsport can be and making sure every member has an unforgettable experience. But as you all know, nothing in life is free, and a lot of work and effort goes into it. And while we are clearly offer one of the best club experiences on campus, the SU doesn't always recognise our awesomeness (or they're just jealous of it). Therefore, if you want to prove the SU wrong and if you'd like to support our cause, this is your chance to donate to the club! We'd greatly appreciate your support and contribution in building the club's lasting legacy!


Here's just a few activities the money would help fund:


  - The British Universities Karting Championship (BUKC)

  - Casual events, such as karting or simracing

  - The Driver Development Programme (DDP)

  - Women in Motorsport Program

  - Careers network and events


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